Dark Souls 3 Best Shield

HomeGuidesDark Souls 3 – Best Class, All bosses, Swords, Quests

An Armor Comparison and Best Armor analysis for Dark Souls and Dark Souls Remastered is provided on this page. Please note that the designation of Light, Medium, and Heavy for a set of armor is not an official game designation. This classification was created by the Dark Souls community based upon how the Endurance stat functions. For Dark Souls on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'Hands down, whats the best shield?'

Dark Souls series has become one of the most successful difficult games for a long time. Players got a lot of challenges, which could take hours, days or weeks. Ambitious players have ventured to a higher complexity and walkthrough the game via Twitch. But some questions remain open, and we will describe in detail all of them, so that every topic is covered in this article.

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Dark Souls 3 Best Class

Developers from From Software have a great experience, that is why the DS3 was perfectly balanced and is focused on a general leveling of classes. So the class choice in the beginning of the game has little impact on anything. Don’t bother yourself about this that much.

Nevertheless, the starting class determines how it will be easy or difficult at first. If you are unsure about yourself, try to take the magician or Pyromancer – they can attack enemies from distance, making the gameplay much more comfortable. Or a knight who will receive much less damage thanks to good armor and shield.

What is better to develop?

If you are unsure about yourself, health will not be excessive, regardless of the class you play. As well as endurance. For the rest, it all depends on what you plan to use: heavy knights need power, fans of fast sweeping attacks – agility, clergy – faith, magicians – intelligence, pyromancers – faith and intelligence.

Using gems, you can modify your weapons, whatever it is. For example, add to it the effect of bleeding or poison, make it do damage not only physical but also, for example, fire or magic, as well as change the bonuses received by them from different characteristics. For example, I was playing a mage and chose Uchigatana as my main weapon, that I easily got to the left of the entrance to the Temple of Fire at the beginning of the game. Since my main characteristic was the intelligence, I tempered katana using crystalline gem, adding magic damage to it and causing it to increase attacks with increasing IQ. Thus, even in fights where I had no time to cast magic, I could inflict significant damage.

Since the titanium in this part is very easy to find, and at low levels of weapons, I would recommend not to save money: if you like the new blade, safely improve it too. It is reasonable to have at least one blade, which has modified properties: it allows you to modify its damage with oils. This flexibility is important in battle with opponents, resisting a particular damage type (for example, my pumped crystal uchigatana dealt very little damage to one boss due to the fact that he had a high defense against magic).

Unlike previous installments in Dark Souls 3 you cannot improve armor so you don’t have to save titanite for that.

Dark Souls 3 First Boss (Tactics)

Regardless of the class you chose there are several general rules that will help you defeat Iudex Gundyr.

Before the battle

Сразу после того как вы вытащите из плеча босса меч, начинайте его колбасить.Несмотря на то, что лайфбар в этот момент еще не будет отображаться, фактически ваши удары будут отнимать здоровье. Когда Гандир окончательно встанет на ноги, он будет уже не первой свежести.

As soon as you pull out the sword from the boss, start hitting him. Despiet the fact that there is no lifebar yet at this point, your strokes will actually reduce his health. When Gundyr is finally back on track, he will be hurt already.

First phase

During the first phase it is important to stay close. It is clear that Gundyr is big and scary, but in useless to keep your distance – he is armed with a halberd, which would get you from afar. It is best to hover at Gundyr’s underfoot and turn somersaults, waiting for the time after he swings the sword stroke, but before the strike itself.

Second phase

During the second phase, stay at the maximum distance, because the creature, which the first boss Dark Souls 3 turns into, has a lot of punches in close and medium combat with a wide blast radius. If you stay away, then mutated Iudex Gundyr will jump at you from height.

Catching the moment when he landed, and at the same time side-rolling his way, you can put a couple of strokes, then IMMEDIATELY increase the distance again, forcing him to jump from afar. Several of these approaches, and the boss is defeated.

Dark Souls 3 Bosses

Iudex Gundyr

Location: Cemetery of Ash
Reward: Coiled Sword, 3000 souls

How to defeat the first boss? We approach him and take out his sword. Immediately begin to beat him, there is the opportunity to begin to cause damage even before he gets up and starts to attack you. This boss has large distance attacks, and he can easily fall on you being at a great distance. In that case, if you decide to kite him, you should go away, but if you fight close, do not be afraid to come closer. You should dodge from attacks and circular attacks, immediately after the attack. Once the boss has half of health, he will begin to transform and become a lot bigger and the distance of his attacks will increase as well. We adhere to the same strategy and attack him after his attacks. When he puts his right hand on the ground, step away, so that he couldn’t grab you. You can also strike at a time when the boss leans forward to hit.

Vordt of The Boreal Valley

Location: High Wall of Lothric
Reward: Soul of Vordt of The Boreal Valley, 3000 souls

In order to make it easier to fight with this boss, you need to get things which increase resistance to cold. Fighting with the enemy, you should try to stay back and attack him at the back, because it attacks only to the front and covers a large area, so being at the back you can easily avoid the attacks. After the boss is down to half health, he will begin to appear around the white steam. In that case, if the boss will begin to shoot ice balls from the mouth, move away as far as possible. The strategy does not change, repeat all of the above.

Curse-Rotted Greatwood

Location: Undead Settlement
Reward: soul of Curse-Rotted Greatwood, Transposing Kiln, 7000 souls

First, having entered the location kill all smaller opponents, then go to the boss. After the boss will come to life, you start to hit the humps, you can see them at once. Then you will fall through the ground. Next we go the boss behind his back and attack the humps again. When he raises – step back. Stay away from the yellow puddles, the damage they cause is not fatal, but they slow you down. Destroy humps on the sides, try not to get hit by a punch. It remains to deal with humps on his feet.

Crystal Sage

Location: Road of Sacrifices
Reward: Soul of Crystal Sage, 8000 souls

This boss is dangerous because it can shoot huge crystall balls, despite the fact that they are quite slow and easy to dodge, they cause great damage. First, attack the boss, then it will disappear and there will be crystals. Then sometimes the boss will start to disappear and reappear in different places, at which point we will need to dodge the shots, and then counterattack. Then the boss will have five balls over his head. They, like before, fly very slowly, so attack and dodge. At the last stage, the boss calls on their copies, each of which will also attack you. It is necessary to find the real boss and kill him, dodging the attacks.

Dark Souls 3 Best Shield

Deacons of the Deep

This location has a lot of enemies, but you don’t have to to attack all of them, you need to find the ones highlighted in red, and then focus on it. Especially because they are quite slow, and will not cause you any harm. Ignore them and dodge. During the second phase, there will be opponents who will shoot you with fireballs, so it is better to kill them. And do not forget the main attack. The ring “Left Eye of Pontiff” will make the battle easier by recovering HP after successful attacks. If you cannot get past your current equipment, it is possible to wear heavy armor and take any two-handed sword, which will simply scatter ghouls.

Abyss Watchers

In the beginning, the boss rushes forward and begins to fight with the lunge. Most often, he alternates between hitting sword and dagger. In the end he strikes in a circle. After a series of punches comes a time when we should start to hit him. When the boss goes into the second phase, it will call the mobs, it is worth noting that they are very fast, but you don’t have to distract them. The most interesting thing comes at the end when the boss dies. After the first time he will be reborn and become even stronger. We attack just after his series of moves, ending with a circular impact or a strong blow on the earth. If you move away, the boss will make great strides, which is difficult to avoid.

High Lord Wolnir

Once at this location go to the light, where you will have to wait for the boss. He will come to you out of the darkness, or rather his head and his hands. If you use a shield, you can immediately remove it. In the battle with the boss he will not be needed, it is better to take a weapon with a decent damage. At a time when the boss raises his arm up, it is necessary to come closer or move away as far as possible to dodge the blow. As soon as he deals his punch you have to counterattack and hit the gold bracelet on his hands. When the boss produces black smoke from his mouth, run as far as possible. If there are skeletons, do not pay attention to them and finish off the boss.

Pontiff Sulyvahn

Location: Irithyll of The Boreal Valley
Reward: Soul of Pontiff Sulyvahn, 28 000 souls

Quite a strong and quick boss. Go into the room, and he rushes at you. Able to do roll to the side. Inflicts several blows with a sword of fire in a row, then you can answer. The second sword lunges towards the hero. The preferred move around the boss is constantly trying to come up behind him and periodically apply for one beat. During the second phase the boss fight will get on his knees and throw magic at you. When a summoned shadow (or something like that) appears, the time will come for a few blows at the boss. The shadow will interfere, but don’t focus on it. The boss will begin striking after the jump, so when he jumps up – move away from the attack.

Old Demon King

The boss is not mandatory. For the battle you need armor with resistance to fire and physical damage. If you go and start to beat the boss, you can have time to do much damage. Boss will attack with his weapons and fire wave to the front. Dodge fire attacks and try to attack and stay back. After the boss raises the hands up to the sky, balls of fire will fall down – dodge them. The boss can also make a powerful circle of fire, so run away from it.

Yhorm the Giant

Location: Irithyll Dungeon
Closest fire: Profaned capital
Reward: Soul of Yhorm the Giant, Cinders of a Lord, 36 000 souls

First we run past the boss to his throne and take the sword Storm Ruler. We take it with both hands and use (L2 (PS4) / LT (XB1)) special attacks. The boss is not agile, and it is easy to go behind his back, passing between the legs. Spin around him and charge attack. Wait till a good time and hit. Often you can manage to carry out two attacks in a row. In the second half of the fight the boss will be on fire, and he will be able to hit with flame. Do not fall under the circular attack.

Aldritch, Devourer of Gods

Location: Irythill of the Boreal Valley
Closest fire: Anor Londo
Reward: Cinders of a Lord, Soul of Aldrich, 50 000 souls

Most fo the time the boss uses a magical attack and close attack with physical damage. He releases arrows from which you will have to dodge. But don’t go too far from him. Try to beat his long torso and move away when he sticks his staff into the ground. Attack after the issued arrows and melee attack. When he shoots a bow – run, but watch out so that he does not hit you with his staff.

Dancer of the Boreal Valley

Location: High Wall of Lothric
Closest bonfire: Vordt of the Boreal Valley
Reward: Soul of the Dancer, 60 000 souls

The peculiarity of this boss is that she has a very long sword and moves in a circle. The best way to attack the Dancer is from behind, thus it is necessary to dodge her circular attacks and the ones from the top. As soon as the boss will move into the second phase, she will have the second sword. Because of this, she starts to do more circular attacks. After a series of attack – strike. Try not to stand in front the boss – attacks from the top deal a lot of damage.

Oceiros, the Consumed King

Location: Consumed King’s Garden
Closest bonfire: Dancer of the Boreal Valley
Reward: Soul of Consumed Oceiros, 58 000 souls, access to Untended Graves location, “Path of the Dragon” sign

This is a rather slow and not the most difficult boss in Dark Souls 3. It’s quite slow and uses sweeping attack strikes that can hit you only if you are close. At the time when he thrusts his staff into the ground, you need to have time to move, then the smoke around the boss appears. Sometimes the boss can jump on you, and you need to dodge. It is best to stay near the boss’s legs, so it’s easier to dodge. Often you can hit him before the smoke appears. In the second stage the Consumed God will start spinning himself, and he begins to move quickly and freezes everything while flying. Try to keep under his stomach and beat him after the attack. Better not to hide behind the columns – the boss will break them.

Dragonslayer Armour

Location: Lothric Castle
Closest bonfire: Dragon Barracks
Reward: Soul of Dragonslayer Armour, 64 000 souls, access to Prince Lothric.

Dragonslayer Armor is one of the fastest bosses in Dark Souls 3 (the only one with a shield), he can rush to the hero, fights and gets very close for the heavy blows from above. After he paid a series of attacks, start the counterattack. You need to try to constantly run around the boss to avoid his hits. After simple boss attacks do not hit him more than once. Try to dodge before the blow. In the second stage, balls will fall from the sky, avoid them.

Champion Gundyr

Location: Cemetery of Ash
Closest bonfire: Untended Graves
Reward: Soul of Champion Gundyr, 60,000 souls

In the beginning, attack the boss even before he gets up. Try to hold on to the back or to the side, dodging his punches. The moment when the boss gets on his knee – begin to attack him. In the second phase, the boss becomes much faster, and moreover he begins to beat his arms and legs. Continue to attack from behind. It is better not to be on the way the boss, constantly go to the sides away from the attacks. Try not to stand still to avoid the jump attacks.

Dark Souls 3 Release Date

Ancient Wyvern

Dark Souls 3 Best Shield

This boss is very unusual, and you can defeat this dragon, if desired, with a single blow. Run past the boss through tunnels, climb higher and next to the door (at the entrance to the boss) go up the stairs. Pass through the wooden platform and jump down a few times. Fall to the ledge that is above the head of a dragon. Here you need to jump down and kill him.

Lord of Cinder: Lothric Younger Prince & Lorian Elder Prince

location: Lothric Castle
Closest bonfire: Dragonslayer Armour
Reward: Cinders of a Lord, Soul of the Twin Princes, 85,000 souls

This boss is dangerous because of his teleportation skill. Using teleportation he can appear behind your back. It is very dangerous because it can strike at a great distance, and even rush at the hero. Dodge his attacks and break the attacks. You can try to strike a blow at the back. Once the boss dies, it will be raised by a girl, who will then unite with him. Dodge the shots, they can easily kill you. Beat the boss after the shocks and carefully follow the teleportation. If you kill the boss again, but do not kill the girl, then most likely she will raise him again. She must certainly be killed. After defeating her, you moy not finish the boss, he would die by himself.

The Nameless King

Dark souls 3 best shields reddit

Location: Archdragon Peak
Closest Bonfire: Great Belfry
Reward: Soul of the Nameless King, 80,000 souls, Titanite Slab, Dragonslayer Set (Helm, Armor, Gauntlets, Leggings), Nameless King Set (Golden Crown, Dragonscale Armor, Golden Bracelets, Dragonscale Waistcloth).

Activate the switch and, after ringing the bell, get to the boss. It is extremely important to dodge at the time the Dragon punches and counterattack its head. In turn, the King will try to beat you up front with his weapons. Try to stay as close as possible to the neck of the dragon, avoiding the blows of its wings. If the dragon flies, do not stand still, move away from air attacks. After the dragon dies, the battle with his rider begins. The rider can also attack from distance or make quick thrusts at the hero. Having waitei a moment, after he paid a series of circular punches – counterattack him. It is best to apply one-two punches and retreat. Try to hide behind the shield. In the second half there will be attacks with lightning.

Dark Souls 3 Final Boss. How to defeat Soul of Cinder

Location: Kiln of the First Flame
Closest Bonfire: Kiln of the First Flame
Reward: Soul of the Lords, 100,000 souls, ability to start NG+

This is the long awaited final boss of Dark Souls 3. It is very dangerous and fast. Up close he has circular and sweeping strokes, does thrusts. When the boss finished a series of his strokes, begin to hit him back, no more than 2-3 hits at a time, otherwise you wouldn’t have time to dodge. When the boss moves into the second phase, he starts to have pushing strikes. The difficulty of the battle is increased due to the fact that it increases the range of his attacks. Further – more. He gets magical balls, from which you will have to constantly hide and dodge. You will have to be more careful with your attacks, especially after his magical attacks. After the first victory (step away from the explosion) the boss will become even more angry, and attack even faster and further. Fire sweeps with sword are very dangerous. Retreat, when he plunges his sword into the ground. Attack after such series of attacks. Hit like this several times. Avoid lightning strikes.

Dark Souls 3 Sirris (Quest)

Sirris of the Sunless Realms is an interesting character, who settled in the Fire Shrine and will offer the Hero to help her in a difficult moment. But, as is the case with the other characters in Dark Souls 3, there are conditions under which the Sirris quest line may be interrupted.

Where to find Sirris from Sunless Realms

Sirris first appears in the Fire Shrine some time after your trip around the Path of Victims location and talk to Henri of Astors and Horace. After talking with her in the Shrine, it will be possible to summon a white phantom to help in the battle with some bosses. They are: Abyss Watchers, Lothric, Dragonslayer Armor, Deacons of the Deep.

Sirris of the Sunless Realms quest line

To complete the quest line of Sirris you have to do everything in a strict order, otherwise everything will break and then the task will not be available.

You also most not enter Rosaria’s fingers covenant. Otherwise, Sirris will be the enemy, and the next time will attack you. It does not matter, if she gave you an oath or not.

After talking with her in the Shrine, bring Dreamchaser’s Ashes to the maid in the Shrine. It is located in the fortress of Old Wolf oy Farron (where you are accepted into covenant). Right at the stairs (level above the wolf) break the illusory wall and loot the corpse for what you need.

Take it to the maid in the Shrine, and then talk to Sirris. As a reward she will give you the same call sign – Darkmoon loyalty and train a gesture that is required to allow the entry into the covenant: Darkmoon Blade.

Keep playing and having defeated the mini-boss on the bridge in the direction of Iritill, relax by the fire (or restart the game). At the other end of the bridge (near the smoky gate) you will find a sign for summoning Sirris, and she asks for help.

Compete with Creighton the Wanderer and then return to the Shrine to talk. As a reward you get a dagger and Silver cat ring.

Dark Souls 3 Best Shield

The next step in Sirris of Sunless Realms quest occurs after the victory over the three Lords of Cinder and Aldrich, devourer of gods among them (one of the three, the last one). Your path lies in a small room in front of the scene of the battle with the boss Curse-Rotted Greatwood.

There summon Sirris of Sunless Realms with a call sign on the ground that will appear at the stairs and fight Holy Knight Hodrick. If you have not yet entered into Marauder covenant, then pick up the talisman from the body of Hodrick, and it will be a symbol of your membership in Marauders.

Go back to the Shrine and talk, take an oath from her. After taking the oath you can find Hodrick armor set in the Curse-Rotted Greatwood location.

Now your job is to pick up Sunset Shield from the grave of Hodrick. The graves are located between the Fire Shrine and the bonfire at the Iudes Gundyr boss. The desired grave is on the precipice of a cliff.

Dark Souls 3 Porcine Shield

The next step happens after a battle with Lothric, Younger Prince. Go back to the same grave and pick up the talisman of eclipse from the corpse of the girl.Failed to connect to facebook ssl live stream.

That’s all, and the talisman can be left, and you can by armor from the servant in the Fire Shrine.

Dark Souls 3 Best Swords

Below we offer a list of the best swords in Dark Souls 3, but before that we want to talk about the Dark Sword, which is one of the best one-handed swords in the game for PvE mode. Its main advantage – a small amount of energy for the attack and high damage. With decent stats, it can deal one of the highest Damage, which is a little bit less than the two-handed sword.

Speaking of PvP combat it is better to use a Sunlight Straight Sword, many players are waiting for you to come with the Dark Sword, and will be ready to parry. But you cannot do that with the SSS – a couple of hours of practice and you will crush your opponents.

Dark Souls 3 TOP 5 Best Swords

  • Broadsword
  • Longsword
  • Lothric Knight Sword
  • Morion Blade
  • Irithyll Straight Sword

Each sword has its own parameters of power and energy consumption, use them wisely and you will be able to defeat any enemy. Most importantly – practice

Dark Souls 3 Useful tips

  • If you hold the arrows down, the inventory switches to the first object in the slot. If you hold it up – it will switch to the first magic in the slot. It helps a lot.
  • Some of the weapon attacks work without the use of mana. For example, the attack with a dagger.
  • You can get useful resources from the “hollows” that turn into giant creature, but only once. You can kill the hollow before the conversion, but then you do not get a trophy. Fire bombs stun the monster for some time – use it to cause maximum damage.
  • You can jump without doing a side roll, if you release left stick during the jump.
  • Bows have right buttons assigned for the arrows in the first slots. The up button and arrows – the down button. The upper left one – aiming from the first person.
  • You can kill the Dragon with a bow.
  • Bow is you friend. It is useful to kill hollows, that has not yet turned into monsters.
  • Read notes, leave notes. If somebody likes them in their game, your character will fully restore his health.
  • To the left of the entrance to the Fire Shrine there is a man with a katana, which can be obtained by killing him.
  • If you want to play Dark Souls 3 with you friend, then there is an options to set up shared password, which you can use to appear near one another. The summon for this not depend on the level and degree of weapons. But the power of the summoned one will be decreased to match the power of the one who summoned.
  • Calls and invasion are selected based on the level of the hero and weapons level.
  • Don’t waste souls. It is better to spend them for the specific equipment.
  • Try not to carry to many souls with you – spend them to increase stats, sharpen weapon or materials at any chance.
  • The speed or side rolls starts to decrease after you exceed the weight more than 70 %. The weight is calculated by armor, rings and weapons in the additional slots
  • Be attentive.
  • Learn not to hold a shield raised all the time. Release the button to restore energy
  • Read object description — you will get a lot of quest hints.
  • Don’t leave armor slots empty. According to the tests, even rags can significantly improve your defense
  • While choosing clothing you can press one of the sticks, to look at the character from the side to see how the piece looks on him
  • Use throwing knives to lure enemies one by one
  • Try to fight one enemy at a time
  • Use every object you can find around.
  • Kick chests before opening them.


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