Kumpulan Soal Pts Ski Kls 6

  1. Kumpulan Soal Pts Ski Kls 6 Sd
I’m used to having pets at home because my family is pet lovers.I have kept two turtles since February 2003. I put them all in one tank in myroom.
The name of the male turtle is Donatello and the female one iscalled Rafael It is quite easy to keep them. They cansurvive without food for about two months. However, theyneed a comfortable place to live. They have to live with imported soil andplants, good water circulation and a piece of dry trunk in the aquarium. Inadequateconditions can cause not only stess but also affect their growth. The worstthing is they may even end in their death!
The weapon of an adult turtle lies in its edgeof the shell. He will use this weapon when he is disturbed while he is taking anap.

Kumpulan Tugas Sabtu, 20 Februari 2016. Soal UTS SKI MI Kelas 6 Semester 2 I. Berilah tanda silang (x) pada huruf a,b,c, atau d di depan jawaban yang paling benar! Ali bin Abi Thalib adalah Khulafaur Rosyidin yang. Soal UTS SKI Kelas 5 Semester 2 + Jawaban - Soal Latihan Ujian Tengah Semester Kls V Semester Genap Mata Pelajaran Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam Terbaru Disertai Dengan Kunci Jawaban. Berilah tanda silang x pada huruf a, b, c atau d pada jawaban yang paling tepat! Demand an end to Israel's abuse on Palestine's Children Kendra Hughes campaign leader. Soal Sbk Kelas 2 Sd Semester 1 Mega http://urlin.us/c7tkq.

1.Why is it dangerous to touch the edge of the turtle’s shellwhen he is having his nap?
a. because the turtle might infect you with a certain disease
b. because it is the location of a turtle’s weapon
d. because it will kill the turtle
2. “Inadequate conditions can cause not only stressbut also affect their growth.” (paragraph 2)
a. insufficient
c. ineffective

a. To tell the readers that the writer’s family is pet lovers
b. To describe the writer’s turtles to the readers
c. To persuade the readers to keep turtles as a pet

Giraffe is the tallest animal, I saw in Ragunan zoo. It is a male. It is about six meter tall. It has big brown eyes. It has brown spots on its skin. It also has two short horns on its head. Its tail is long with thick hair on the top of the tail. It likes eating leaves of tree.
1. The purpose of the text above is....
B. to tell about tall animal
D. to tell about tall animals
2. How the eyes of the giraffe look like?
B. They are big and brown
D. They are small and black
3. “Its tail is long with thick hair...” The antonym of the underlined word is....
B. strong

D. thin
Hello! My name is Rob Fellow. Icome from Dundee. A town on the east coast of Scotland, but I’m a student atDurham University, in the north of England. I’m studying French and German, andI can speak the languages quite well. I also know little Spanish, so I canspeak four languages. I’m enjoying the course a lot, but it’s very hard work!
I live in Durham Castle, becausethe Castle is part of the University, with about
thirty other students. Thecourse started two years ago, and I’m in my third year.
After the course, I’mgoing to work in France, but I don’t know where yet.
1. Rob can speak these languages below except
a. German c. Spanish

a. To get a job inFrance. c. To enjoy in Germany.

a. a lazy c. a diligent

TheTitanic was the biggest ship in the world at that time. It had good facilitiessuch as: a fully air conditional cabin, restaurant, bar, mini shop, recreationspace, ship’s band and singers, medical facilities, telephone, etc. When theTitanic sailed from Southampton to New York in April 1912 with 819 crews and1316 passengers, it sank after it sailed for four days. It happened in NorthAtlantic Ocean. It hit a very big iceberg. Since there were not enoughlifeboats and all the passengers or the crews were very afraid, the ship sankrapidly, most of passengers and crews sank and only few people was safe.
1. Where did the tragedy happen?
b. in the high way
d. In the air
2. It had good facilities. The underlined word refers to ….
b. the ship
d. that biggest
3. Which line tells us that most of people died?
b. line 1 &2
d. line 5
4. Where did the Titanic sink exactly?
b. in the sea

Kumpulan Soal Pts Ski Kls 6 Sd

Kediri is a name of a town. It issituated in a valley between the Kelud and Wilis mountains and inhabited byabout 1.3 million people. In the center of the town there is a largehill which is called the Dathok mountain. Because of the topography of theregion, Kediri is called a chily town by the locals. There is a big rivercalled Brantas cutting off the center of the town.
Besidestemples, Kediri is also famous for its products like cigarettes and a specialkind of tofu or bean curd. This highly nutritious food is a delicacy of Kediriand has a distinctive taste. The cigarette factory dominates the town’s economyand employs the majority of the women labor force. Kediri and the cigarettefactory are inseparable and it is considered the biggest cigarette factory inIndonesia. Most of the local people work in this factory. Those who do not workhere are farmers or traders.
1.What does the above text tell usabout?
b.The famous products of Kediri
d. The people of Kediri
2.“Those who do not workhere….”(Last sentence)
a.the local people
c.the farmers
My best friend
I have a special friend. She is myclassmate and sits besides me. Her name is Rohmi. Rohmi is a quite girl andvery simple on the look. However, I really adore her. She is not only kind butalso tough.
Rohmicomes from a very simple family. Her father is a pedicab driver and her motherhas passed away. She has a younger brother. His name is Rahmat. In order tohelp their father, Rohmi and her brother work part-time to earn some money.Rohmi sells food during our class break, while her brother sells newpapers andmagazines after school.
One thing that I always admire abouther is that she can manage her time well, and she always looks cheerful.
1. What does the second paragraph tell you about?
b. Rohmi and her father
d. Rohmi and her friends
2.”…Rohmi and her brother work part-time toearn some money.”
a. work for the whole of working week
c. work for the purpose of getting money as much as possible

a. in front of Rohmi
c. next to Rohmi

The Terrifying Headmaster
Mr.Tucker is the headmasterof my school. He does not wear glasses. His eyes always frighten me even when Irefuse to face them. They are sharp, hard, and cold, and he uses them like awhip.
He always washeshis hands in an enamel basin in the corner of the room. After he has washedthem, he will walk over to his desk and stand behind is looking at the pupilswhile he dries his hands on a small, white towel. He dries each fingerseparetely, beginning with the first finger. His fingers are longand white. He rubs them briskly without losing the effect of deliberation andas he rubs them, he looks at us with his eyes.
No one moves while hedries his hands, no one speaks. When he finishes, he will fold the towel andput it in the desk drawer. Then, he will awkwardly smile at us.

Adapted from: I Can Jump Puddles by AlanMarshall)
1. What is the purpose of the text?
b. to decribe thewriter’s headmaster
d. to inform thereaders about a terrifying school
2. Where does Mr. Tucker usually wash his hands?
b. in front of theroom
d. behind of the room
3. “He dries each finger separately….”
c. divide
d. corner
Doraemon is one of the characters in a Japanese manga seriescreated by Fujiko Fujio. Doraemon is a robotic cat. He has small body and whitehands and feet. Although he can hear perfectly well, Doraemon has no ears.
Doraemon possesses a large pocketthat can produce many gadgets from the future. The pocket is called yojigen-pocket, orfourth- dimensional pocket. Doraemon’s favorite food is dorayaki, aJapanese treat filled with red bean paste.
This robotic cat has the tendencyto panic during emergencies. In an emergency situation, he will franticallypull out every unnecessary gadget from his pocket. Nevertheless, Doraemon is agood cat. He always helps Nobita.
1. What does the text mainly talk about?
b. Fujiko Fujio
d. Nobita
2. “… he will frantically pull out everyunnecessary … “ (paragraph 3).
a. Happily
c. Worriedly

a. He has a magic pocket
c. He is only a robotic cat

I have somepets. However, my favourite pet is Timmy.
Timmy is amale tabby cat. He is very adorable with his soft stripes fur. He has innocentround eyes and feeble sweet voice. He always meows when I come home, he usuallygive me a kiss.
Timmy is anice playmate. I’m so happy to spend my time with him. Most of the time, he’s agood cat. It’s almost impossible for me to be angry at him. In the morning, healways wakes up early. When he wakes up earlier, he waits quality by my bedsideuntil I wake up.
1. When does Timmy usually give a kiss to thewriter? When the writer….
b. goes to sleep
d. comes home

2. Why is the writer almost impossible to beangry at his cat? Because ….
b. Most of the time, it is a good cat
d. It always wakes up early

a. Characteristic
c. Habitat
e. Behavior
4. What is the purpose of the text about?
b. To entertain the reader
d. To tell how to make something

The SuramaduBridge (Indonesian: Jembatan Suramadu), also known as the Surabaya–MaduraBridge, is a bridge with three cable-stayed sections constructed betweenSurabaya on the island of Java and the town of Bangkalan on the island ofMadura in Indonesia. Opened on June 10, 2009, the 5.4-km bridge is the longestin Indonesia and the first bridge to cross the Madura Strait.
Thecable-stayed portion has three spans with lengths 192 m, 434 m and 192 m. Thebridge has two lanes in each direction plus an emergency lane and a dedicatedlane for motorcycles. The first toll bridge in Indonesia, fares have beeninitially set at Rp. 30,000 (US$3 in 2009) for four-wheeled vehicles and Rp.3,000 (US$0.30) for two-wheelers.
The bridgewas built by a consortium of Indonesian companies PT Adhi Karya and PT WaskitaKarya working with China Road and Bridge Corp. and China Harbor Engineering Co.Ltd. The total cost of the project, including connecting roads, has beenestimated at 4.5 trillion rupiah (US$445 million).
Constructionwas started on August 20, 2003. In July 2004, a girder collapsed, killing oneworker and injuring nine others. Work on the bridge halted at the end of 2004due to lack of funds, but was restarted in November 2005. The main span of thebridge was connected on March 31, 2009, and the bridge was opened to the publicin June 10, 2009.Within a week of the opening, it was discovered that nuts andbolts as well as maintenance lamps had been stolen and that there was evidenceof vandalism of cables supporting the main span.
1. Suramadu’s bridge also known as….
b. sura and madu
d. toll bridge

a. Java and Sumatra
c. Sumatra and Kalimantan
e. Correct all
3. Length of the Suramadu’s bridge is….
b. 192 meters
d. 526 meters

a. Suramadu’s bridge is also knownSurabaya-Madura bridge
c. suramadu’s bridge connects the islands ofJava and Madura
e. car charged at 30000 rupiahs
5. When the bridge was built?
b. August 20, 2003
d. June 10, 2009

a. 2
c. 4
e. 6
My Very Best Friends
I believethat a friend is an angel who lifts us off our feet when our wings have trouble
rememberinghow to fl y. It means that our friends are people who will always be there forus any time we need them.
I'm so lucky because I have three bestfriends. They are Firsty, Ronald and Jonathan.
We haveknown each other since we were four years old. We met in the kindergarten.Since then, we always go to the same school. Moreover, our houses are still inthe same block. We do everything together. Our motto is 'United we stand,divided we fall'. It means 'together we are stronger'. Now, letme introduce my friends one by one.
Firsty is the youngest among us becauseshe was born in December. We call her 'The
SweetyFirsty'. Her father is French. She is tall and slim. She's about 171 cm.She has long
straighthair. Actually the color of her hair is blonde. However, she dyed her hairblack since last year. She has beautiful blue eyes, an oval face and pointednose. 'The Sweety Firsty' is a cheerful, confident, and determinedgirl. However, she is a little bit careless and stubborn. She has many cats inher house. There are about nine cats. She loves them all. One of her favoriteis a little orange cat. She calls her 'Shinny'. Firsty loves to dance and sing.Nevertheless, she wants to be a model.
Ronald's nickname is Ron. Most of girlsin our school love and adore him. There's no doubt about his good looking. Wecall him 'The Charming Ron'. His height is 176 cm. Ron has straighthair and perfect face. He is an intelligent and introvert person. Above all, heis humble. He was crowned as The Best Student this year. He won so many prizeson Math, Chemistry and Physic competition. However, his favorite subject isChemistry. He wants to be a chemist someday.
Jonathan is a funny person. He can alwaysfind a way to make the people around
him laugh. Iwonder what it is in his head for he can create jokes spontaneously. Jonathan's
nick name isJo. He is plump. He's about 168 cm tall. His weight is 80 kg. That's why wecall him 'The Big Jo'. He has a round face with brown eyes. His spikyhairstyle makes him easily recognized. Jo is a humorous, friendly and an easygoing person. He is a movie freak. He would never miss any new movie in thecinema. He dreams of becoming a famous actor one day.
About me? Well, my name is Hana. I'm theshortest one among them. I'm about 160 cm tall. I have long wavy hair withround face. My friends call me 'The Chubby Hana' because I also havea chubby check. Most people, even my parents say that I'm a careful, generousand diligent person. They also say that I'm a bit sensitive. I love painting. Ispend much time in my small studio just painting.
That's all about me and friends of mine.Even though we are quite different, we love
each otherand will keep this relationship for good.
1. The purpose of the text is …
b. to tell a sequence of events
d. to persuade the readers to have many friends

2. The followings are Firsty's characters,except …
b. cheerful, confident, and strong-minded
d. determined, humorous, sensitive

a. He is fat, easy going, and funny
c. He is chubby, diligent, and sensitive.
e. He is friendly, easy going, and slim.
4. What is Hana's favorite?
b. She loves cats.
d. She loves painting.

a. Firsty has a round face.
c. Ron wants to be an artist.
e. Jonathan is plump.
6. A word in the text that has the same meaningas 'strong-minded' is …
b. friendly
d. Confident

Kecak Dance
Kecak(pronounced [?ket?ak]) is a form of Balinese music drama, originated in the1930s and is performed primarily by men. Also known as the Ramayana MonkeyChant, the piece, performed by a circle of 100 or more performers wearingchecked cloth around their waists, percussively chanting 'cak' andthrowing up their arms, depicts a battle from the Ramayana where themonkey-like Vanara helped Prince Rama fight the evil King Ravana. However,Kecak has roots in sanghyang, a trance-inducing exorcism dance.
Kecak wasoriginally a trance ritual accompanied by male chorus. German painter andmusician Walter Spies became deeply interested in the ritual while living inBali in the 1930s and worked to recreate it into a drama, based on the HinduRamayana and including dance, intended to be presented to Western touristaudiences. This transformation is an example of what James Clifford describesas part of the 'modern art-culture system' in which, 'the Westor the central power adopts, transforms, and consumes non-Western or peripheralcultural elements, while making 'art' which was once embedded in the culture asa whole, into a separate entity.'Spies worked with Wayan Limbak and Limbakpopularized the dance by traveling throughout the world with Balineseperformance groups. These travels have helped to make the Kecak famousthroughout the world.
Performer,choreographer, and scholar I Wayan Dibia cites a contrasting theory that theBalinese where already developing the form when Spies arrived on the island.For example, well-known dancer I Limbak had incorporated Baris movements intothe cak leader role during the 1920s. 'Spies liked this innovation,'and it suggested that Limbak, 'devise a spectacle based on theRamayana,' accompanied by cak chorus rather than gamelan, as would havebeen usual.
1. What is meant by kecak?
b. bali dance
d. holy book of bali

a. local legend
c. Mahabharata Book
e. legend
3. Who describes the 'modern art culturesystem'?
b. I Wayan Dibia
d. James Clifford

a. Bali
c. Papua
e. Sulawesi
I have a“super” mother. My mother is now in her late fifties. She comes from a familyof traditional Cantonese middle class people. She has some knowledge oftraditional .... (1) for fever, loss of appetite and minor cough. She is quitetall and medium built. She looks much younger than her age. She .... (2)Mandarin fluently and English quite well. She is an excellent cook, and hergrandson once said that her cooking skills could match those of a chef in arestaurant. She is very friendly and .... (3). She never fails to help anyoneto who needs her help. She likes to travel and, like any other woman, she likesto shop.
1. A. food
C. pastry
E. remedies
2. A. asks
C. cleans
E. exercises
3. A. rude
C. quick
E. helpful
Raja Ampator 'Four Kings', is the name given to some islands in West Papua and comes
from a localmyth. The four major islands are Waigeo, Misool (which is home to ancient rock
painting),Salawati, and Batanta. Raja Ampat is located in the bird head of the island ofPapua.
Underwaterenthusiasts flock to this region because it offers the world's best marinesight. In the
Raja Ampatislands, divers can explore vertical underwater walls. The thrill of driftdiving is

Theterritory within the islands of the Four Kings is enormous, covering 9.8million acres
of land andsea, home to 540 types of corals, more than 1,000 types of coral fish and 700types
of mollusks.This makes it the most diverse living library for world's coral reef and underwater
biota.According to a report developed by The Nature Conservancy and Conservation
International,around 75% of the world's species live here.
When diversfirst arrive here their excitement is palpable. It's common to hear people
praise Godas they take in the remarkable scenery. Others prefer to remain in silencetaking in
theoverwhelming sight of so many islands with crystal clear water that softlybrushes over the

A. size ofthe islands
C. naturalhabitat
E.underwater beauty
2. Where isRaja Ampat located?
B. TheWaigeo island.
D. TheSalawati archipelago.

A. It ishome to ancient rock paintings.
C. Diverscan explore horizontal underwater walls.
D. It hasthe most diverse museum for world's coral reef and underwater biota.
E. There isfew island with crystal clear water softly brushes over the white sandybeaches.
Makassar isthe provincial capital of South Sulawesi, Indonesia, and the largest city onSulawesi Island. From 1971 to 1999, the city was named Ujung Pandang, after apre-colonial fort in the city, and the two names are often usedinterchangeably. The port city is located at 5°8′S 119°25′E, on the southwestcoast of the island of Sulawesi, facing the Makassar Strait. Its area is 175.77km2 and has population of around 1.4 million.
Makassar ishome to several prominent landmarks including the 16th century Dutch fort FortRotterdam, Trans Studio Makassar—the third largest indoor theme park in theworld and the Karebosi Link—the first underground shopping center in Indonesia.
Makassar hasseveral famous traditional foods. The most famous is Coto Makassar. It is astew made from the mixture of nuts and spices with beef parts which includebeef brain, tongue and intestine. Konro rib dish is also popular traditionalfood in Makassar. Both Coto Makassar and Konro are usually eaten with Burasa,glutinous rice with coconut milk and sauted coconut granule.
In addition,Makassar is the home of pisang epe, or pressed bananas. These are bananas whichare pressed, grilled, and covered with palm sugar sauce and sometimes eatenwith Durian. Many street vendors sell pisang epe, especially around the area ofLosari beach.

Interchangeably(adv) :Secaratertukar
Prominent(adj) : Terkemuka
Mixture (n) :Campuran
Intestine(n) :Usus
Granule (n) :Biji

Answer key:Makassar is located on South Sulawesi.
2. Based onthe text, what is the biggest city on Sulawesi Island?
Answer key:the biggest city on Sulawesi Island is Makassar.
3. What isthe old name of Makassar?
Answer key:the old name Makassar is Ujung Pandang.
4. Accordingto the text, what is the first underground shopping center in Indonesia?
Answer key:the first underground shopping center in Indonesia is Karebosi Link.
5. What isthe most well-known food in Makassar?
Answer key:the most well-known food in Makassar is Coto Makassar.
6. It can beinferred from the passage that ...
Answer key:Makassar is one of the most favorite places to visit on Sulawesi Island.
7. What isthe writer’s main point in the passage?

Pronoun ‘it’in line 14 refers to….
Answer key:pronoun ‘it’ refers to ‘Coto Makassar.’
9. Makassaris home to several prominent landmarks…
Look at theword “prominent” in the passage. Prominent is probably ….
Answer key:the word ‘prominent’ is probably outstanding
10. Manystreet vendors sell pisang epe….
Answer key: the underlined word is closest inmeaning to ‘sellers.’
The Houses of the Toraja
Theethnic groups in the mountain regions of southwest and central Sulawesi(Celebes) are known by the name of Toraja, which has come to mean 'thosewho live upstream' or 'those who live in the mountains'. Theirname is in fact derived from the word Raja, which in Sanskrit means'king'. The society is hierarchically structured: the noblemen arecalled rengnge, the ordinary people to makaka, and the slaves to kaunan; birthdetermines which rank a person will occupy.
Thedistinctive features of the traditional houses (tongkonan) of the Toraja arethe 'buffalo horns', the roof design and the rich decoration on thewalls. The buffalo is a symbol of status, courage, strength and fightingspirit.
Designedas a representation on the universe, the tongkonan is constructed in threeparts: the upper world (the roof), the world of humans (the middle of thebuilding), and the underworld (the space under the floor). The highlydistinctive roors constructed by the Toraja given rise to various ingeniousinterpretations. Certainly the roof is something of deep significance for theToraja, and even today they build 'modern' (in other words houses builtwith cement) houses with such roofs.

1. What is the text about?
A. The culture of Toraja
B. The society of Toraja
C. The distinctive features of traditionalhouses
D. Thedecription of a traditional houses of Toraja
E. The ethnic groups of southwest and centralSulawesi

2. “… and even today they bulidmodern…” (paragraph 3)
The underlined word refers to…
a. Raja
b. Rengnge
c. Society
d. Torajapeople
e. Mountain regions

3. What are the ordinary people commonly called?
a. Tongkonan
b. Makaka
c. Celebes
d. Rengnge
e. Kaunan
4.Which of the following does not symbolize a buffalo?
a. Status
b. Courage
c. Strength
e. Fighting Spirit
Have you ever seen how some people run abusiness office? There are some professions that have very important roles inbusiness activities. These professions are related to each other in anorganization. The professions discussed here are banker, accountant, andsecretary.
A banker is person who conducts banking. Hemay be the owner of a bank or he can be the member of the board of directorswho operated the bank. Bankers give loans to business offices, firms,factories, to operate or expand their business.
An accountant is a person who has charge ofthe accounts of a company. He is the one who records, keeps financial accountsand makes financial statements. He plays an important role to make the firmsremain in good financial condition.
A secretary is someone who keeps records,handles correspondence, or does the administration for an organization orperson. The assistant or private secretary of an executive always deals withthe business letter writing of that person. The secretary is, therefore,concerned with any business that the firm undertakes. The secretary must bequalified and able to speak English, fluently. There are certain types ofduties that a secretary is responsible of such as making appointments,receiving orders, making reservations for the manager, sending letters ofcongratulations or condolence, sending invitations etc. She also makes anagenda for the manager. An office usually has more than one secretary who arealways busy doing their duties.
1. What is the topic of the second paragraph?
A. How a banker gives credits
B. The financial system of a bank
C. The job description of a banker
D. A banking business as a company
E. The board of directors
2. An accountant who works unprofessionallywill …
A. bring big profit for the company
B. improve the book keeping 6f the business
C. harm the financial management of the firm
D. help the manager plan his expenditure
E. complete his work properly
3. The main idea of the fourth paragraph is...
A. the office can hire two secretaries
B. a secretary should prepare the manager'sagenda
C. the manager should help the secretarycomplete her job
D. English is not so important for a privatesecretary
E. a secretary often makes appointments withthe manager
4. Which of the following statements is nottrue?
A. A manager should follow whatever his secretarysays
B. An accountant must deal with the finance ofthe firm
C. Most banks deal with receipt andtransmission of money
D. A professional banker is needed to runmoney business
E. A good secretary should master English
5. He plays an important role to make thefirms remain in goodfinancialcondition,(paragraph 3). The underlined word means ...
A. administrative details of a firm
B. any credits taken from banks
C. loan procedures in a bank
D. line of jobs in an office
E. monetary position
6. The secretary is, therefore, .concernedwith any business that the firmundertakes.(paragraph4). The synonym of the underlined word is ...
A. inspects
B. observes
C. performs
D. holds
E. tries
Wakatobi is the name of an archipelago andregency in Sulawesi Tengggara, Indonesia. The name Wakatobi is derived from thenames of the main island of the archipelago: Wangiwangi, Kaledupa, Tomea, andBinongko. The group is part of a larger group called the Tukangbesi island.
The archipelago, located in the diversehotspot known as Wallacea. It is part of the Wakatobi National Park. Wakatobias one of the world’s marine tourism object is now preparing it self and readyto welcome you and your family with hospitality and its particular culture
.TheWakatobi is also home to Operation Wallacea, a UK based,non profit conservationgroup looking at sustainable development of fisheries and coral reefresearch.An independent non commercial website has been set up about a marinepark. This website contains tourist and travel information in Wakatobi,including the biodiversity, conservation and local people.
Wakatobi is also situated geographically atthe world’s coral reef triangle center with its 942 fish species and 750 coralreef species from a total of 850 world’s collection comparing to the twoworld’s famous diving center of the Caribbean Sea that owes only 50 species andother 300 species in the red sea.
1. What is the text about?
A. Wakatobi as a tourist spot.
B. Wakatobi as a research spot.
C. Wakatobi as a fishing center.
D. Wakatobi as a conservation center.
E. Wakatobi as a regency.
2. Wakatobi is located in a larger group ofisland called . . .
A. Wangiwangi.
B. Kaledupa.
C. Tomea.
D. Binongko.
E. Tukangbesi.
3.What is the operation of Wallacea?
A. Non-profit conservation group looking atsustainabledevelopment of fisheries and coral

reef research.
B. The additional sources about thebiodiversity, conservation and local people.
C. Tourist and travel information about thewakatobi.
D. It is part of the Wakatobi National Park.
E. The world’s marine tourism objects.
Victoria Caroline Beckham is an Englishsinger-songwriter, dancer, model, actress, fashion designer and business woman.She was born on April 17, 1974, in Essex, England. She became famous in the1990's with the pop group 'The Spice Girl'and was known as PoshSpice. In 1999, she married the Manchester United and England footballer, DavidBeckham. They have four children, three sons and a daughter.
After The Spice Girl split up, she pursued asolo singer career, but also started her own fashion range called dVb Style.Since this initial foray into fashion Victoria Beckham has brought out her ownrange of sunglasses and fragrance, entitled 'Intimately Beckham'and arange of handbags and jewelry.
In addition she had written two best-sellingbooks: one her autobiography and the other, a fashion guide.
1.What did Victoria do beforebeing a solo singer?
A.Married to David Beckham
B.Worked as fashion designer
C.Joined The Spice Girl
D. Created fashion style
E.Wrote many books
2.We found in the text that ....
A.Victoria named her fragrance bydVb style
B.Beckham is Victoria'sautobiography
C.Beckham is Victoria's brand forher fragrance
D.Posh Spice is the title of hernew album
E.Spice Girls is Victoria's labelfor her wardrobe
3.Based on the text, what do weknow about Victoria?
A.She is an ordinary woman
B.She is a multi-talented woman
C.She designed The Spice Girls
D.She married to an ordinaryperson
E. She arranged many songs for TheSpice Girls

Wingo Island
The Island of Wingo is by the island of Singa. Inthe water around Wingo Island, there are hundreds of sharks. They are so manythat the water bubbles like a whirlpool. People can only get to Wingo Island byboat. The boat has a rocket on it. The rocket takes people over the sharks andonto the island.
Wingo Island has no sand but it has green moss.At night the moss sparkles like stars. Tall stars called Fruji grow everywhereThe Fruji tress have purple leaves at the top and yellow fruit all over them.When a fruit falls off, another tree grows in a minute.
The Weather on Wingo Island is very hot but attwelve o’clock, everyday, it rains. Sometimes, there are windstorms. Theyhappen when too many animals fly around at the same time.
People who stay on Wingo Island sleep in abig-gloo. It is like an igloo but it is on long poles. It has a ladder to getup and a slide to come down. The big-gloo has a moss bed, chairs, and tablesthat are made of Fruji tress.
There is no television on Wingo Island. So is thetelephone and computer. It is place to listen to the leaves whispering. It is aplace to lie on soft green moss and look at the clouds. It is really a place todream.
(sumber: detik-detik UN bahasa Inggris; 2005/2006 Intan Pariwara)
1.Frujiis the … on Wingo Island.
b.Name ofa mountain
d.Name ofsomeone who lives

2.Whatare the chairs and tables in that island made of?
Jawaban C
4.Wheredo the people of the island live in?
b.In theforest
d.In thebig-gloos

5.Accordingto passage, which of the following is not true?
b.Manysharks are in Wingo island.
c.Theweather in Wingo Island is tropic all the time.
Jawaban C
6.“Peoplecan only get to Wingo Island by boat.”
a.Near toother islands
c.Near toanother island
7.What isthe story about?
b.A river

Theunderlined word refers to ….

9.“Peoplecan only get to Wingo Island byboat.” (paragraph 1)
c.A smallship
Jawaban C
10.“It isplace to listen to the leaveswhispering.” (last paragraph)
a.Talkingin a soft way
d.Makes asoft sound

Losari beach is a beautiful beach and located on the edge city of Makassar. It is located only about 3 km from the center of Makassar (Karebosi Park). The beach used to be the longest café in Asia, because many cafes stand in along the beach, but now the cafes are collected in a special place so it does not spread along the coast. Charm of the beach is mainly seen in the evening when the sunset stands out. This is a major attraction of people’s coming to the Losari beach. Every evening hundreds of people come to witness the panorama of red as the sun will disappear into the ocean, so do not miss the sunset at the Losari beach. If the sky is sunny, the scenery is absolutely perfect. Because of its location in a bay, the water of Losari is even often quiet as usual pool water.
Losari is its waterfront of Makassar. The lengthy of the beach is approximately one kilometer and it is a public space that can be accessed by anyone. On this beach there is a park called the Pelataran Bahari (Marine Park), with semicircular area of nearly one hectare. This place is a plaza with a clean floor for children to play and running around, while parents and teens sit on concrete benches to enjoy the sea breeze. From this place, you are also free to view out to the sea and watch the sunset slowly turns reddish in the line of the horizon. The reflected light also creates sheen on the surface of sea water.
The Pelataran Bahari also serves as the stadium of open water to watch the coastal waters in front of Losari beach. This coastal water is often used as a racecourse jet ski, boat races and traditional boat jolloro katinting, or become a transit point of rely of Sandeq traditional sailboats and yachts.
In Losari there are also a few hotels. Some of them qualified as a tree stars hotel. The hotel is offering panoramic beauty of the sea with luxury service treats. There are Losari Beach Hotel, Losari Beach Inn, Makassar Golden Hotel, and Pantai Gapura Hotel. All of the hotels located in Jalan Penghibur.

Located (adj)Berlokasi
Disappear (v)Menghilang
Quiet (adj)Tenang
Approximately (adv)Diperkirakan
Breeze (n)Angin sepoi-sepoi
Reflected (adj)Terefleksi, tercermin
Answer key: Losari beach is located on the edge city of Makassar only about 3 km from the center of Makassar (Karebosi Park).
2. What attraction does Losari beach offer?
Answer key: Losari beach offers its charming sunset.
3. Based on the text, how long is Losari beach?
Answer key: (the lengthy of) Losari beach is approximately one kilometer.
4. What is the name of the place where the children can play and run?
Answer key: the place is called the Pelataran Bahari (Marine Park).
5. How many hotels does the writer mention?

6. According to the text, we may conclude that Losari beach is suitable for whom?

Answer key: Losari beach is a good place to visit.
8. This is a major attraction of people’s coming to the Losari beach. (paragraph 1)
Answer key: the word ‘this’ refers to ‘charm of the beach.’
9. Every evening hundreds of people come to witness the panorama of red as the sun will disappear into the ocean…. (paragraph 1)
Answer key: the word ‘disappear’ means ‘set.’
10. Long of the beach is approximately one kilometer and it is a public space that can be accessed by anyone. (paragraph 2)
The word “approximately” in line 7 is closest in meaning to....
Answer key: the word ‘approximately’ means ‘around.’
Kapoposangis one of the largest of the Spermonde Islands, around 70 km northwest ofMakassar, South Sulawesi. Kapoposang covers an area of around 50,000 hectaresand is inhabited by around 100 families. Several other islands, both inhabitedand uninhabited, lie near Kapoposang. The larger ones include Papandangan,Kondongbali, Suranti and Tambakulu.
Kapoposang and the nearby islands weredeclared a Nature Tourism Park by the Department of Forestry in 1999. Divinghas been an important activity at Kapoposang since the mid 1990s. Therewere so few local divers at the time, and because of the distance from otherwell-known diving areas in Indonesia, Kapoposang has basically remained asecret.
The best time to visit Kapoposang is betweenApril and November, when the seas are calm, the weather favorable, and the windless fierce than in the other months. The trip takes two hours by speedboat;the ocean breezes help to cool your skin in the hot morning sun. As youapproach Pulau Kapoposang, you see the deep blue water, which suddenly meets anexpanse of coral reefs between extensive shallows with white sands in theseabed. Sea grass also grows lushly near the shore. The sea bed at Kapoposanghas a unique composition; near the island are some quite shallow contours, andthen suddenly steep underwater cliffs leading to seemingly endless depths. Thewater is very clear; you can expect underwater visibility of over 15 meters –ideal conditions for divers.
1. The text is about ....
A. Kapoposang and the surrounding islands
B.Kapoposang as a divingspot.
C. Kapoposang as a very popular tourist spot
D. Kapoposang as a secret area
E. Kapoposang and the weather
2. Where is Kapoposang located?
A. In the Nature Tourism Park of Makassar.
B.Next to Makassar, South Sulawesi
C. In the Spermonde Island
D. Among the big islands nearMakassar.
E. Very close, to the north of Spermonde
Singapore is a citystate, it is a city but it is also a state. It is a republic. Along withIndonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philipines and Brunai, it belongs to ASEAN,the Association of South East Asian nations.
Like Indonesia,Singapore is a country of “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika.” Chinese, Malay Indians andEurasians make up its citizens. Other Asians, including Indonesians, Japanese,Philippines, Korea, Thailand’s, and Arabs also live on that tiny island.Singapore is sometimes called “Instant Asia” because you can see varieties ofcustoms, cultures and foods of nearly all Asia in Singapore.

A.a nation
C.a republic
E. amember of ASEAN
2. Singapore'scitizens consist of ...
B.Chinese, Thais and Arab
D.Eurasians and Philippines

3. ' ...Koreans, Thais and Arabs live on that tiny island.'
(Paragraph 2)
My Uncle
My Uncle Martin is my mother's elder brother.He is my favourite among my mother's brothers. He is a very interesting man. Helives quite near us with my Aunt Angela and my cousins Anne and Bob. I often goto his house. He is about 45 with grey hair. He is still quite good-looking. Heis tall and well-built. He has blue eyes and a strong face. He wears glasses.He is short sighted. He takes them off when he doesn't work. Uncle Martinis a textile engineer. He works for a big firm in the city. He travels widelyin his job. He is an expert in solving problems with machines. At present, heis in theUnitedStates. He is visiting the firm's customers there. He is very fond of the sea.He has a boat at seaside. He goes there every weekend in summer to sail it. Isometimes stay with my cousins at their house on the coast. When Uncle Martinis at home, he usually takes us out in the boat.
1.Who is Uncle Martin?
B.Anne's uncle.
D.Aunt Angela's neighbour.
2.Which paragraph talks about the physical description of Uncle Martin?
B. 2
D. 4


My favorite toy is a doll. I named my doll Becky. I got in inmy12th birthday. My dad bought it for me when he was inEngland. Becky is 16 cmtall doll with plastic head, arms, and legs and a white cloth stuffed body. Herbody is covered with yellow, orange, and green flower bud prints. She has along auburn-red brush-able hair, green eyes. There are freckles on her cheek.There are also two dimples near her mouth on the left and on the right. Theymake her more beautiful. I put her at my side when I sleep at night. I like mydoll very much. I sometimes ask my friends to come to my house and play withBecky. They like Becky too.

1. What does the text tell us about?
B.The writer's favorite doll.
D. Adoll
2.What are on Becky's face?
B.Auburn red hair.
D.Flower bud prints
3.'They make her more beautiful.' The underlined word refers to ...
B.Green eyes.
D.The dimples.
Peter is the youngest in our family. He is fourteen years oldand four years younger than me. He has long, straight hair, bright eyes and afriendly smile. Sometimes he is rather naughty at home, but he usually doeswhat he is asked to do.
Peter is interested insports very much, and at school, he plays football and tennis.Heis the best badminton player in our family.

A. Four
C. Forty

A. Fourteen
C. Eighteen

3. Which of thefollowing statement is not true about Peter?
B. He has brighteyes.
D. He playsfootball and tennis.
4. According tothe passage, we know that Peter is ….
B. He writer’selder brother
D. A friendly boy
Mr. Solihin isa famous tailor. He always does his works on time and he is very friendly. Hehas many customers so he can’t do his work by himself anymore. Now he has someworkers. They are Dodi, Santi, and Yuni, Dodi is responsible for themeasurement and make the pattern. Santi and Yuni are sewers. They like workingthere because they get good salary. Whenthey work overtime, Mr. Solihin pays them more.
1. Why is Mr. Solihin famous?
b. He has many customers
d. He does his work on time and he is friendly.
2. Do the workers enjoy working at Mr. Solihin’splace?
b. No, they aren’t
d. No, they don’t.
3. Which statement is not correct based on the textabove?
b. Mr. Solihin pays his workers well.
d. Santi and Yuni are responsible for the sewing.
4. Mr. Solihin is a famous tailor. The word famoushas the same meaning as ….
b. Busy
d. Unknown
The students of VIIC are in the classroom. It is the second period. They are sitting quietly attheir desks. The teacher is in front of the class. He is writing some new wordson the board. The teacher asks the students to write down the new words andfind the meaning in their dictionaries. The students have to translate it.After that the students answer the questions and write the answers on theirexercise books. They do it seriously.
1. What are the students studying? They arestudying ….
b. Biology
d. Mathematics
2. Where do the students write the answers?
b. on their exercise books
d. on the board
3. What is the main idea of the paragraph?
b. They do it seriously.
d. The students of VIIC are in the classroom.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry are my neighbours. They have twochildren, a son and a daughter. Their names are Sigit and Nuri. Mr Harry is alecturer in a state university in our town. Mrs Harry is a house wife. Shelikes cooking many kinds of food. She often invites me to cook together in herkitchen. Mr. Harry’s family has some pets. There are some birds, a cat and tworabbits. I sometimes feed them. I like going there because they are kind andfriendly. They always show good attitude to everyone.
1. Does Harry’s family live far from the writer’shouse ?
b. No,they don’t
d. No,it doesn’t
2. Where does Mr Harry work ? He works in a . . .
b. school
d. company
3. I sometimes feed them. Feed means . . .
b. givefood to somebody/something
d. takefood from somebody
4. She often invites me to cook together inher kitchen. The wood “me” refers to . . .
b. thewriter
d. MrHarry
5. The chairs are very comfortable. We want to buy. . .
b. they
d. it
Mr. Ahmad is apostman. Everyday he delivers many letters to many people. His wife, Mrs.Ahmad, is a Biology teacher. She teaches in SMP 1 Boyoagung. Mr. and Mrs. Ahmadhave one son named Budi, and two twin daughters named Lila and Leli. Budi is ingrade twelve, while Lila and Leli are still in grade ten. They study in thesame school, in SMU Darmawangsa. Every holiday, Mr. Ahmad’s family always goespicnicking. Sometimes they go to a beach, a lake, or a garden. People love thisfamily because Mr. Ahmad and his family are friendly people.
1. What is being described on the text above?
b.Mr. Ahmad
d.Mr. Ahmad’s holiday
2. What is Mrs. Ahmad?
b. A teacher
d. A housewife
3. Where does Mr. Ahmad work?
b. police office
4. “They study in the same school, inSMU Darmawangsa”. What does the italicized word refer to?
b. Budi and Lila
d. Budi, Lila, and Leli
5. “Everyday he delivers many letters to many people”. The underlined wordis synonymous with
a. Sends
c. distributes

Peter is the youngest in our family. He is fourteen yearsold and four years younger than me. He has long, straight hair, bright eyes anda friendly smile. Sometimes he is rather naughty at home, but he usually doeswhat he is asked to do.
Peter is interested in sports very much, and at school, heplays football and tennis. He is the best badminton player in our family.
(sumber: peganganguru untuk SMP/MTS oleh Bachtiar Bima Mustriana, 2009, PT Intan Pariwara)
Vocabularies: Young: muda, long: panjang, straight: lurus,hair: rambut, bright: cerah, friendly: ramah, rather: agak, naughty: nakal,interested: tertarik, player: pemain.
1. How old is Peter? He is … years old.
b. Fourteen
d. Ten

a. Fourteen
c. Eighteen
Jawaban C
3. Which of the following statement is nottrue about Peter?
b. He has bright eyes.
d. He plays football and tennis.

4. According to the passage, we know that Peteris ….
b. The writer’s elder brother
d. A friendly boy

a. Peter is naughty.
c. Peter is unfriendly.
Jawaban D
6. From the text, we may conclude that….
b. People is older that the writer.
d. Peter is not diligent at all.

a. Peter
c. Peter’s family
Jawaban A
8. ”He is fourteen years old . . . Than me.”
a. Peter
c. The writer’s brother
Jawaban: B
9. “Peter is interested in sports very much,and at school he plays football and tennis.”
a. Dislike sport
c. Hates sport very much
Jawaban B
10. “But heusually does what he is asked to do”
a. He does anything he wants.
c. He is lazy.
Jawaban D

Read the text carefully and then answer the questions!
I have a friend, her name is Anis.She is my classmate. She has a brother. His name is Taufik. Taufik goes to thesame school with us but he is not my classmate. Anis and I are in VII D, while Taufik is in VIIE. We always go to school together because we live on the same street.
What is Anis like ? She is tall, herface is oval, her nose is pointed, she is not fat, but not thin either. Shealways wear a ring in her finger. Her hair is straight and black. She is also aclever student.
1. a. What does the writer do ?
b. Why do the writer, Anis and herbrother go to school together ?
d. Her nose is pointed. Pointedhas the same meaning as …

45,584 people have taken on rules to modify this element of their health.

Questions and tips about this rule…

These questions and tips are made from the Game Wall.

1sushidiva has a tip for the Exercise rule.

10 · 267 pts

Strength training assists with burning calories faster.

JackAndAHat has a question about the Exercise rule.

10 · 2,476 pts

Does anyone know of any good exercise plans either aimed at or useful for spoonies? Preferably something that can be tailored/done pick and mix to fit my personal restrictions. Anyone had any experience with disability-specific plans, good or bad?


All I do is walk. I hate exercise but I love walking with my podcasts so it works for me.


I use a bunch of completely me-specific exercises I got from my physiotherapist. I suspect you could find some general arthritis-friendly exercises if you got a book on yoga and one on pilates and just experimented until you found a set that worked for you … my method of finding exercises is to start with one exercise per day, if I’m OK the next day then add a new one, etc. So never do more than one new thing per day at MOST, more commonly perhaps one new one a week but when I am starting up again one new one per day until I have a full “set” of enough to do.


My one thing about pilates and yoga is that you have to be really careful if you have any joints that are overly flexible, because you can end up actually over-stretching some part because it just stretches more instead of passing the stretch along to the tighter joint. (Does that make sense? I have really flexible hips and my PT kept having problems finding lower back stretches because most of them assume that you’ll hit the end of range of motion for your hips and transfer the stretch to your lower back, and then there’d I’d be all twisted up like a pretzel and my lower back was still stiff as a board.)

Anyway, not that they’re bad, just that you really need to pay attention when you try something new to see which bits of you it’s actually working. (I find books or websites that highlight the muscle groups that should be involved to be really helpful for this reason, because I can look and see that I should be feeling it in my thigh and then try to figure out why I’m not, and maybe tweak my position slightly or something.)


That makes sense to me, Kris. I guess I forgot ‘cause I’m so used to having all but one set of joints hypermobile (my hamstrings are tight, but all the rest are lax) so I do what you described about checking what muscles are being used without actually thinking about it that much!

Seriously, Jack, if you can afford to go see a physiotherapist or physical therapist or similar just once or twice they can figure out an exercise program for you specifically and show you how to do the exercises which you’d then do at home. I got mine to write down lots more than I can actually do, and also made notes about what I was aiming to improve (eg do the exercise more times, do it slower, do it faster, etc.) with each exercise so that way the same physio consult gave me ideas for a long time.


I totally agree with Ricky about getting an appointment if you possibly can, just to get some feedback on what you should be trying to do and what will work best for you. The PT I saw probably had me try about fifteen different stretches for my lower back before we found one that worked, and it was actually a combination of things. Her experience with other people with similar problems really showed while we were working on things.

That said, there ARE some really well trained and educated personal trainers out there, and if you can find one of them it might be less expensive than a proper medical consultation. But that’s more work for you, to check out the person and the education they’ve gotten.

I will also add – while not a disability specific plan, one tip I did get from someone or another somewhere along the way was – remember you don’t HAVE to do all your exercise in one block of time. For some things, that’s the easiest or most effective way to go about it, but at the end of the day, it’s whatever gets things done that’s important. So if you have to break up a routine into 5 minute chunks scattered over the whole day, because otherwise you get too tired and it’s too much for you? Do 5 minute chunks. Maybe write each exercise ‘item’ out on an index card (or print it out and cut the paper into cards, whatever) so as you do something you can move it to the back of the stack so you don’t have to remember if you’ve already done something – when you feel like a bit more, you just do what’s on the card, then move it to the back. When you get to the first card again, you’re done! :)


Oh yes! I actually have all my arm exercises written in huge text on a BIG sheet of paper taped to the wall beside the loo so I can do them while I’m on the toilet!!! Doing exercises in little bits is FANTASTIC for spoonies, and pay attention to your routine to see where you have little bits of space that you could fit one into – do you routinely wait around the kitchen while your kettle boils? Stick Kitchen Exercises on the pantry door! Do you stand while waiting for public transport? Make wallet cards with the exercises you can do while standing there without being arrested for indecency ;)

Also consider time of day – if you have a particularly difficult stretch (like Kris described) then do it when you’re most relaxed, perhaps right after you get out of the bath or shower for example. If you have stuff that makes you sweaty then make sure you have time for a shower afterwards or plan to do it right before your normal shower time – this is how I do my aerobic stuff.

My physio calls this “snacking on exercises” and recommends it highly!


Krista – I’m hooked on my iPod, and I’m starting to do a lot more walking now I’ve moved house. It can be a problem because I’m a cane-user and so I end up with a cranky wrist, but it’s definitely making a difference – mentally as well as physically.

Ricky – One at a time is definitely the way to go. I’m not going to let myself add anything new now until at least Monday, because I’m just getting into doing the full set of my usual stretches/etc, which I haven’t been doing for ages. No sense in overloading!

Being in England it’s a matter of getting a GP (regular doctor) to transfer me to a physio, which a lot of them are reluctant to do, but now I have a new GP I’m going to go have a word with her and see if she will – am terrified of doctors, so going to a PT gives me the heebie jeebies, but it could be worth sucking it up and getting over it.


Jack – the excellent PT I had who helped with my back was when I was in the UK – actually, ALL of the PTs I met in the UK were pretty universally awesome and nice. Much better than some of the doctors I had to deal with. (Not to mention the administrative people at the GP surgery who handled appointments and so on – they all scared the spit out of me. I never met one who didn’t act like you were trying to get away with something by wanting an appointment. Craziness.)

That said, you may have to wait a bit for the appointment, as is reasonably common with the NHS and non-acute care. (Just make sure the GP understands you’re not asking for a course of physio, but rather a couple of consultations. One GP I had seemed to think that any physio meant going constantly for a few weeks at a time, which is what’s necessary to get over an acute injury – like a broken bone or something – but not at all what you need for managing chronic disability issues. It took a bit to get him to see what I wanted to go to the physio FOR.)


Yeah – I dealt with a physio when I wa younger, and I remember her as being nicer than the regular doctors. But they all freak me out! It’s a semi-rational phobia, I’m working on it

The front desk staff at doctors are just… odd. Yeah, they act like you’re the first person ever who’s wanted an appointment, and you’re such an inconvenience.


The one kind of exercise I do every day is Shiva Nata — I wrote a thing about doing it with fibromyalgia here: http://shivanata.com/blog/guest-posts/shiva-nata-and-fibromyalgia/

It does require you to wave your arms around, and it’s taken me a month or so to be able to do it for more than a minute or two before my arms start to hurt, but I enjoy it so much that I toughed it out and can now go for a good 5-10 minutes before I have to stop! :D

idaliap has a question about the Exercise rule.

7 · 8,366 pts

Anyone else here doing crossfit? Want to share your experiences with the group? Thanks!

NatMcB has a question about the Exercise rule.

5 · 2,210 pts

I’ve been unwell (on top of everything else) and have been told to rest. I went to bed on time, planning on getting up early and run but instead was woken 3 hours prior with an escalation of pain. A phone call to a nurse and a referral to a doctor have me ‘resting’ for the next 24 – 48 hours. Does that mean I lose points for my lack of running?


I have been trying to figure that out myself. If I am too ill to do something, it seems different than if I consciously make a choice to not do the task at hand. The game does deal with the honor system and how you interpret your rules. I would almost say that you shouldn’t be losing points because you’ve been told you can’t run. (Particularly since you mention getting up early to run – you have every intention on fulfilling your goals, but your body simply can’t.)


I agree with Sterling, if you intend to follow your rule, but forces outside your control mean you can’t, it seems unfair to lose points over it – if it feels like cheating, maybe you could make yourself go for a longer run or something once you’re back to normal?

cecile has a question about the Exercise rule.

11 · 195 pts

Okay, so how does anyone get themselves up in the dark to workout, either inside or outdoors? I’d just as soon turn over under warm covers and tell myself I’ll workout in the evening, but by the end of the day, I can’t seem to motivate myself to do so consistently.

elywhy has a tip for the Exercise rule.

10 · 81 pts

Yoga will help us prevent the lymphatic illness.. and will also booze up your energy

srl has a question about the Exercise rule.

-23 · 1,805 pts

How do you mark your daily exercise when you’re too sick to feel up to doing anything? Do you tell the truth (I didn’t do it), or do you give yourself a pass and lie, or do you find some low-intensity exercise to do anyway, like walking?

kjmorton has a question about the Exercise rule.

10 · 0 pts

Did you get lost on a run recently and achieve any bonus miles?

Mustangbex has a tip for the Exercise rule.

10 · 170 pts

It’s winter, get out there and ski or snowboard for a great treat and some incredible exercise!

leriest has a tip for the Exercise rule.

12 · 6,589 pts

very4sq has a question about the Exercise rule.

11 · 2,099 pts

How many time do you spend for exercise in the morning?


45 minutes,..i think it’s good

adeku has a tip for the Exercise rule.

101 · 9,442 pts

Based on my experiences,…
exercise can helps control weight, maintains healthy bones, muscles, and joints, reduces risk of developing high blood pressure and diabetes, promotes psychological well-being, reduces risk of death from heart disease, reduces risk of premature. death.


thanks dodhie, keep spirit and clear skies! :D


awesome tips :)


rise and grind!

dolyiqbal has a question about the Exercise rule.

11 · 3,319 pts


artikel anda sangat berguna bagi nusa dan bangsa




Maaf ku terpaksa begini ….


harus begini jadinya


i like the way you move


begadang yuk


memang begini adanya …


Maaf aku terpaksa begini ….


hebat banget ,..pasti karena si anu itu ya?
sangaddd luarrr biasaaa…..:)
ini adalah fenomena yg selalu di kenang dari masa ke masa,..alangkah indahnya,…canggih deh pokonya mah,..


wow, anu nya mantab


Halo man teman ….


Ceck Baby Ceck _

pricils has a question about the Exercise rule.

10 · 36 pts

ferico666 has a tip for the Exercise rule.

12 · 1,966 pts

Rumus Cepat Matematika (Aljabar) Menjadi Idaman

Anak-anak sangat menyukai matematika. Mereka minta terus dikasih soal. Saya sendiri heran, mengapa mereka begitu semangat?

“Lagi Pak. Kasih soal lagi Pak!” anak-anak menantang saya.
“306 x 303 = …” saya keluarkan soal.
“Sembilan…dua tujuh…delapan belas!” jawab mereka ramai-ramai.
“Maksudnya berapa?”

Anak-anak yang terdiri dari kelas 3 sampai kelas 5 SD itu senang menemukan cara berhitung cepat perkalian ratusan kali ratusan. Bagi mereka itu adalah rumus cepat matematika yang diidam-idamkan.

Anak-anak SMA yang menjelang UN, SPMB, dan UMPTN 2008 juga tidak kalah semangat. Jika mereka memperoleh rumus matematika cepat untuk UN, SPMB, dan UMPTN maka matanya langsung berbinar-binar. Wajahnya berseri-seri.

Saya sering mengatakan kepada mereka,
”Maukah kalian dapat soal bonus?”
”Apa itu soal bonus?”
”Soal UN, SPMB, atau UMPTN yang selalu dapat kamu selesaikan dengan mudah.”
”Ya maulah…”

Limit kan sangat abstrak dan sulit? Bagaimana bisa dikatakan sebagai bonus? Itulah intinya. Limit adalah ide fundamental dalam kalkulus. Karena limit sangat kaya akan variasi dan abstrak bagi orang awam, maka limit hanya diperkenalkan bagian dasar saja untuk anak tingkat SMA. Jadi limit tingkat SMA tentu yang mudah-mudah saja. Limit adalah bonus.

Sekedar contoh rumus cepat untuk limit. Kadang orang menyebut rumus cepat sebagai trik cepat, fastest solution, king of fastest, atau rumus sesat. Boleh-boleh saja.

Soal berikut ini sangat mudah. Sudah pernah diujikan untuk tes masuk ITB sejak tahun 70-an. Tetapi entah mengapa, soal limit tipe ini tetap sering diujikan sampai sekarang. Benar-benar bonus untuk kita.

Untuk limit x menuju 0 hitunglah

(tg5x)/(sin3x) = …

Bagi orang awam jawabannya sangat mudah yaitu 5/3.
Apakah Anda yakin itu jawaban yang benar?
Banyak anak-anak karena ragu, karena dirasa terlalu mudah, malah tidak mau menjawab dengan 5/3.

Mari kita diskusikan!

Untuk membahasnya kita perlu ke dasar-dasar limit trigonometri. Sudah banyak dibuktikan dalam buku-buku bahwa untuk limit x menuju 0 berlaku:

(sinx)/x = 1;
(tgx)/x = 1;

Biasanya anak-anak harus hafal rumus di atas. Bagi saya rumus ini adalah rumus cepat limit. Tetapi rumus ini beruntung. Ia tidak pernah disebut sebagai rumus sesat. Ia mendapat gelar kehormatan sebagai rumus dasar limit trigonometri.

Dengan rumus dasar limit trigonometri ini kita akan memecahkan

(tg5x)/(sin3x) =
[(tg5x)(5x/5x)]/[(sin3x)(3x/3x)] =

dengan a = 5x dan b = 3x;
gunakan rumus dasar trigonometri:

] =
[5x]/[3x] =
= 5/3 (Selesai)

Kita peroleh jawaban 5/3 sesuai tebakan awal kita.
Apakah kita selalu boleh melakukan tebakan semacam itu?

Tebakan ini sah. Kita mendasarkan pada rumus dasar limit trigonometri dengan menambah satu langkah implikasi.

Karena (sinx)/x = 1 maka (sinx) = x;
karena (tgx)/x = 1 maka (tgx) = x.

Jadi rumus dasar trigonometri yang kita hafal adalah

sinx = x;
tgx = x.

Dengan sedikit mengubah cara pandang ini akan membawa keberuntungan besar pada UN, SPMB, UMPTN 2008. Siswa-siswa SMA, mestinya tidak asing dengan cara pandang ini. Kita telah memakai cara pandang ini ketika menghitung interferensi gelombang Young dalam fenomena fisika.

Jadi bila kita terapkan ke soal di atas:
(tg5x)/(sin3x) = 5x/3x = 5/3 (Selesai).

Rumus cepat di atas akan semakin bernilai bila bentuk soalnya semakin rumit seperti
(2x + tg3x)/(x + sin7x) =…
(2x + 3x)/(x + 7x) = 5/8 (Selesai).

Rumus cepat matematika bukan hal baru. Dalam sejarah matematika tercatat bahwa masyarakat memang mengidolakan rumus-rumus cepat matematika. Saat itu rumus-rumus cepat tidak dipandang sebagai rumus sesat. Pun yang menguasai rumus-rumus cepat adalah para ahli matematika itu sendiri.

Pada tahun 1535 Tartagtila mengikuti pertandingan berhitung cepat. Ia melawan murid dari seorang profesor matematika ternama. Tartagtila tidak begitu dikenal di dunia matematika waktu itu. Ia mempelajari matematika nyaris secara mandiri. Tetapi Tartagtila memiliki keistimewaan: ia memiliki rumus cepat untuk memecahkan persamaan polinom pangkat 3.

Aturan pertandingan itu sederhana. Masing-masing peserta menuliskan 30 soal matematika. Kemudian soal itu diserahkan kepada lawan untuk diselesaikan. Siapa saja yang mampu menyelesaikan soal lebih awal dan benar maka ia sebagai pemenang.

Setelah 2 jam pertandingan berlangsung. Tartagtila berhasil menyelesaikan seluruh 30 soal yang dihadapinya. Sedangkan lawannya belum mampu menyelesaikan soal satu pun. Tartagtila mampu menyelesaikannya karena menggunakan rumus cepat. Sedangkan lawannya tidak memiliki rumus cepat.

Tartagtila meraih berbagai kehormatan setelah pertandingan itu.

Rumus cepat adalah terhormat.

Bagaimana jika terjadi komersialisasi rumus cepat? Saya tidak tahu jawabannya.

O iya, saya jadi ingat dengan berhitung cepat yang paling awal tadi bagaimana caranya?
Bagaimana seorang anak kecil dapat menghitung 306 × 303 luar kepala?

Caranya mudah!
Bagi anak SMP sudah mengenal bahwa
x.x + (2x+3x) + 2.3 =

Mirip dengan itu caranya:
306 × 303 =
9 (dari 3×3)
27 (dari 6×3 + 3×3)
18 (dari 6×3)
Kita peroleh jawaban 92718.

Contoh lain
207 × 304 = …
6 (dari 2×3)
29 (dari 7×3 + 2×4)
28 (dari 7×4)
Kita peroleh 62928.


Bagaimana pendapat Anda? Pusing ga? *aauummmm


bentar yah.. saya ngopi dulu.. sapa tau abis segelas jadi pinteran hehehe








bukan seperti….? DODOLGARUT ?




emang ada gitu? loe dah nyoba?




Maaf aku terpaksa begini ….

benolagarensex has a question about the Exercise rule.

12 · 5,226 pts

are u sure , do threadmill 30 minutes same like hiking 1 hour in a mountain?


emang ada gitu? loe dah nyoba?


artikel yg fantastis,dramatis,eksotis,dinamis sangat luar bisa sekali,…keep posting :)


Maaf aku terpaksa begini ….

Lindsaycidut has a tip for the Exercise rule.

14 · 3,053 pts


sundul apa om?






kenal nggak nyundul aja


Gundul sih


artikel yg cemerlang dan memukau,…terima kasih atas pencerahannya :)


Asia Afrika


benarkah itu,…???
owwww sungguh mengerikan …sekali…


Maaf aku terpaksa begini ….

adeku has a tip for the Exercise rule.

101 · 9,442 pts

Seroja Bergoyang
Secara fisik, ia sangat menarik. Tetapi secara personal, ia bukan wanita yang ceria, cenderung pemuram dan pesimistis. Ia lebih sering cemberut dibanding tertawa dan tersenyum. Pantas kalau ia tampak lebih tua dibanding umurnya. Dalam hal asmara, ia tak semenarik penampilannya. Tapi bagi pria yang egois dan butuh kecepatan, wanita ini bisa saja jadi pasangan yang cocok. Apalagi, Si Seroja bergoyang ini bukan tipe penuntut.
Ciri fisik :Tubuhnya bagus, meskipun berdada kecil, tapi padat berisi. Beralis tebal, mulut kecil dengan bibir sensual. Pinggulnya tmpak seksi berisi.


geal geol


artikel yg cemerlang dan memukau,…terima kasih atas pencerahannya :)




sangat dilematis sekali tentang problematika ini


Maaf aku terpaksa begini ….

adeku has a tip for the Exercise rule.

101 · 9,442 pts

Nilai & Mutu Gizi

Banyak orang yang kurang menghargai oncom dibandingkan hasil olahan kacang-kacangan yang lain, seperti tahu dan tempe. Pandangan negatif tersebut muncul karena oncom terbuat dari ampas tahu atau bungkil kacang tanah.

Pandangan tersebut sangatlah keliru, karena sesungguhnya oncom memiliki nilai dan mutu gizi yang baik akibat proses fermentasi. Dari kedua tabel tersebut diketahui bahwa oncom bungkil kacang tanah memiliki protein, lemak dan padatan terlarut yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan oncom ampas tahu.

Hal lain yang perlu disempurnakan agar daya terima masyarakat meningkat terhadap oncom, adalah yang menyangkut penampilan, bentuk, serta warnanya. Untuk lebih meningkatkan daya terima oncom di masyarakat luas, perlu diperhatikan masalah sanitasi bahan baku, peralatan pengolah, dan lingkungan, serta higiene pekerja yang menangani proses pengolahan.

Dengan adanya proses fermentasi, maka struktur kimia bahan-bahan yang tadinya bersifat komplek, akan terurai menjadi senyawa-senyawa yang lebih sederhana sehingga lebih mudah dicerna dan dimanfaatkan oleh tubuh. Proses fermentasi oleh kapang juga akan menghasilkan komponen flavor dan citarasa sehingga menjadi lebih disukai oleh konsumen.

Pernahkah Anda merasakan perut menjadi kembung dan selalu ingin buang gas setelah makan kedelai rebus? Gejala tersebut sangat umum terjadi, akibat terbentuknya gas oleh proses fermentasi oligosakarida yang terkandung di dalam kedelai yaitu raffinosa dan stakhiosa oleh aktivitas mikroba di dalam perut.


Belum pernahperut kembung apalagi tit*t kembung ….


kalo titit kembung mah tiap malem saya om


bikin perut melembung ya ?


Maaf aku terpaksa begini ….

adeku has a tip for the Exercise rule.

101 · 9,442 pts

Engage in Enjoyable Physical Exercises

When I used to get stressed out, I would always love to go for a relaxing swim or a jog with my friends. This played a tremendous part in my stress relief. I found out that after I completed these activities, I was less tense and more relaxed. It is almost like venting your frustrations in a constructive and safe way. Give it a try and you will notice a huge difference.


i like nude swimming with my friends…
*boys & girls, don’t try this at home


mantap sekali


Nude swimming ? Wkwkwkwk ….




Maaf aku terpaksa begini ….

adeku has a tip for the Exercise rule.

101 · 9,442 pts

Exercise Is Important For Health Maintenance

Asthma is a common disease with a prevalence of up to 10% of some populations. Exercise limitation may be documented with symptomatic disease but at the same time, exercise is important for health maintenance. A study in Chest 2003 showed that about 30% of participants with current asthma, 24% with former asthma patients and 27% who never had asthma were considered to be inactive. Participants with asthma were less likely to engage in running, basketball, golf and weightlifting, but were more likely to use an exercise bicycle than were participants without asthma. The authors concluded that like most US adults, the majority of those with asthma were not meeting the current recommendations for physical activity


Me too


Maaf aku terpaksa begini ….

yettisalaka has a tip for the Exercise rule.

12 · 2,366 pts


Translatein ke bahasa Korea dong ….


Double Impact ?
Van Damme ?


Most diseases are the result of medication which has been prescribed to relieve and take away a beneficiant and warning symptom on the part of Nature.

ayah has a tip for the Exercise rule.

13 · 3,836 pts

ga perlu lari, cape..
jalan aja sekalian ngabuburit


ngabuburit=makan bubur biar irit


Iritan makan lontong

WartegJumper has a question about the Exercise rule.

14 · 1,848 pts

Tentang Warteg

Warung Tegal adalah salah satu jenis usaha gastronomi yang menyediakan makanan dan minuman dengan harga terjangkau. Biasa juga disingkat Warteg, nama ini seolah sudah menjadi istilah generik untuk warung makan kelas menengah ke bawah di pinggir jalan, baik yang berada di kota Tegal maupun di tempat lain, baik yang dikelola oleh orang asal Tegal maupun dari daerah lain.

Warung tegal pada awalnya banyak dikelola oleh masyarakat dari tiga desa di Tegal yaitu warga desa Sidapurna, Sidakaton & Krandon, Kecamatan Dukuhturi Kabupaten Tegal. Mereka mengelola warung tegal secara bergiliran (antar keluarga dalam satu ikatan famili) setiap 3 s/d 4 bulan. Yang tidak mendapat giliran mengelola warung biasanya bertani di kampung halamannya. Pengelola warung tegal di Jakarta yang asli orang Tegal biasanya tergabung dalam Koperasi Warung Tegal, yang populer dengan singkatan Kowarteg. Kowarteg hingga saat ini masih kediketuai oleh Sastoro.

Hidangan-hidangan di warteg pada umumnya bersifat sederhana dan tidak memerlukan peralatan dapur yang sangat lengkap. Nasi goreng dan mi instan hampir selalu dapat ditemui, demikian pula makanan ringan seperti pisang goreng, minuman seperti kopi, teh dan minuman ringan. Beberapa warung tegal khusus menghidangkan beberapa jenis makanan, seperti sate tegal, gulai dan minuman khas Tegal teh poci.

Yang unik dari bisnis Warteg ini, meski melayani masyarakat menengah ke bawah, hasil yang didapatkan cukup besar. Hal ini terbukti dari tingkat ekonomi para pengusaha Warteg yang cukup membanggakan. Di Kelurahan, Sidapurna, Sidakaton, dan Krandon kita tidak perlu heran menyaksikan rumah-rumah mewah dibangun di sana. Rumah-rumah itu kebanyakan milik para pengusaha Warteg yang membuka usaha di Jakarta.


Sekelompok orang Belanda di bawah pimpinan Mr. W.V.Ch. Ploegman pada sore hari tanggal 18 September 1945, tepatnya pukul 21.00, mengibarkan bendera Belanda (Merah-Putih-Biru), tanpa persetujuan Pemerintah RI Daerah Surabaya, di tiang pada tingkat teratas Hotel Yamato, sisi sebelah utara. Keesokan harinya para pemuda Surabaya melihatnya dan menjadi marah karena mereka menganggap Belanda telah menghina kedaulatan Indonesia, hendak mengembalikan kekuasan kembali di Indonesia, dan melecehkan gerakan pengibaran bendera Merah Putih yang sedang berlangsung di Surabaya.

adeku has a tip for the Exercise rule.

101 · 9,442 pts

Sustainability isn’t about the quick fix or the cheap solution. Generally it means making a commitment and trying, as best we can, to honor it. In any worthwhile enterprise, from protecting the environment to preserving a relationship, we are going to encounter difficulties. The good life is not a problem-free life. In point of fact, the process of overcoming adversity often produces some of the most rewarding experiences we will ever have. Human beings need to be challenged to ‘test their mettle,’ as it were. Throwing in the towel at the first sign of trouble or small inkling of distress may be the easy thing to do, but it doesn’t help our self-concept. Most of life’s troubles can be overcome if we are willing to work through them with patience.


I’m absolutely agree with you


I’m at NBC Studio 1A – Today Show (Rockefeller Plaza, 48th-49th Street and 5th-6th Avenue, New York) w/ 65 others. http://4sq.com/870jrR

kevnull has a tip for the Exercise rule.

5 · 2,181 pts

I set my rules to “go to the gym” but ended up getting exercise w/o going to the gym. That makes me think I should really have made the 30min exercise rule instead.

leriest has a tip for the Exercise rule.

11 · 4,526 pts

anly take 30 minute everyday and u got too many point in this rule, im most exited to play next month with this rule too.. check this out


GOODPOINTS ,Semangat IJUers :)


This is point of no return

adeku has a tip for the Exercise rule.

101 · 9,442 pts

Health, the greatest of all we count as blessings.

baiueo has a question about the Exercise rule.

12 · 5,853 pts

lhuihong has a tip for the Exercise rule.

12 · 1,921 pts

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