Howl's Moving Castle Papercraft Pdf

The amazing Studio Ghibli published a papercraft book in 2004 that you could cut apart to make Howl's Moving Castle. Ben Millett managed to find a digital copy and printed it out. It took him 72 hours over three weeks to build this enormous papercraft. Please enjoy all the pictures of this incredible papercraft and a time laps video of Bens endeavor into cutting and folding. Doug and Roberta have never driven their 2003 Mercury Marauder on public roads Howl moving castle pdf papercraft. They flat-bedded it from the dealership in July of 2002, and stored it in a heated. Howl moving castle pdf papercraft.

Worked a month on this papercraft.
The making-of with lots of more photos can be found in my Journal.
The file with the parts and instructions can be downloaded here.
edit: New download link for the parts. Instructions are japanese, but you can understand most of it from the detailed pictures:…
Use size A4 paper (the castle will be 40cm high) and 100-150g paper.
this looks great! Im currently working on it and I'm having trouble with the joints for the jaw, any suggestions?
which parts exactly? These?
Sorry, I don't remember how I made this, it's been years ._.
edit: what you need to know is that the lower part of the jaw (part Aj-01) is move-able, it's not glued, so you can close and open the jaw. Part Ar-01-03 is being used to attach part Aj-01 to the main body. No glue required to do that.
If you still know, what kind of paper did you use? I'm about to start on this, and want to be sure I'm doing it right.
I don't exactly know what kind of paper. I printed it in an art academy, they use some high quality paper for posters and such. I'd recommend to print it in a copy shop, because on normal copy paper plus a normal printer, the colors won't be vibrant and the colors would also bleed out when using glue.
Papersize was A4.
Well, damn. o_o I got impatient and just started... Perhaps if cheap paper doesn't work, I can try that. Thanks for the help!
I used regular 80g paper. it worked well since there are so many places where the paper has a tab glued onto the back. if I make it again I'd go for at least 120g but most likely 140g or 160g would be best.
Greatly done! Do you still have the pdf by any chance? All the download links are down for me.
Schon gut, ich habe eine gutmütige Seele auf 4chan gefunden. Trotzdem Danke!
Also hast du einen Link, der funktioniert? Kannst den mir auch schicken, bitte?
Dann könnt ich den selber nochmal hochladen und verlinken, hab es nämlich nicht mehr gespeichert ;_;
Weißt du denn noch, auf was du es gedruckt hast (Papierformat)?
Ich hab's auf A4 gedruckt. Was für ein Papier es war weiß ich nicht, hab es an einer Kunsthochschule gedruckt, die teure Farbdrucker für Plakate und so haben.
Also wenn du es auch drucken willst, ich würde es bei einem copyshop machen lassen, denn da kommen die Farben besser zur Geltung und vorallem verschmiert die Farbe dann nicht, wenn man Bastelkleber verwendet.
Danke für die Info. Ich denke mal, dass es Original leicht größer ist, aber wenn du es mit A4 hinbekommen hast, wird das schon okay sein, hoff ich.

Howl's Moving Castle Papercraft Pdf Free

Also mit A4 Papier wird das fertige Papercraft ca. 40cm hoch, von den Füßen bis zu den Pipes oben.
Die einzelnen Parts sind auch recht groß und mühelos zu kleben. Hatte schon andere Papercrafts, wo ich mit Pinzetten arbeiten musste, so klein waren die Einzelteile xD
Achja, danke für den Link ^^
I tried the link for the parts and the instructions and it did not wotk is there any other place that has the pattern
If you use the search function on that page, you can find the papercraft.
Here are the direct downloads of the parts:
Part 1 Part 2
Have fun XD
das sieht total cool und frech aus ^^ viel besser, als dein anderes Schloss. Ich frage mich jedesmal, wo du nur die Geduld hernimmst, sowas zu basteln xD
Free paper model castles
Ben Millet did NOT originally create the papercraft, he got it from a Kodansha published book
oh, then I must have misunderstood the article about this papercraft >_<
thanks for pointing that out
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